Monday, September 26, 2016

This Do In Remembrance Of Me...

Through 47 years of wedded bliss, we've belonged to some amazing church congregations. The first was a Reformed church in Sioux City. It was the one dating back the farthest, yet I remember the pastor's name. Something I can't seem to retrieve of very many preachers after him. Perhaps because Shannon was instrumental into getting our name well known to the rest of the congregation. She was a little stinker who loved attention, and was not shy how she got it.


You can just see the mischief in her beautiful little mug. Shannon, 1973...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Race Card...

I would say the first 18 years of my life were very sheltered. I was raised in a small, Dutch community in northwest Iowa. Probably calling the whole town of Rock Valley-Dutch-isn't fair. But a very large percentage of that small town was of Dutch descent. The town boasted a beautiful Catholic Church, and 2 Lutheran churches, but were highly outnumbered by the amount of Reformed churches. From what I remember, a Calvin, Christian, First, and a Netherlands for sure. So the Dutch outnumbered all the other nationalities by a long ways.


After Sunday night RCYF, the teens marched up to this addition to hear the sermon, mid-1960's...

Thursday, September 8, 2016


I'm relatively new to Facebook. I freely admit, I didn't know what a meme was. And was never interested enough to look it up. Until this week. Meme definition: An image, video, piece of text that is copied, (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users. I knew there are sites my friends follow, then pick and share on their home page. That's the stuff I see on my newsfeed. What they currently find interesting, newsworthy, thought provoking, or hilarious on Facebook. I don't do that.


Recently, this one really cracked me up...