Monday, March 30, 2015


We've all heard the horror stories. Or maybe you've lived through them. Remember the lyrics of that old song, "Mother-in-law" stating, "she was sent from down below?" Couples whose lives are in turmoil, miserable or they end up getting divorced because of a impossible, intrusive, meddling mother-in-law. Mother-in-law's who assume, demand and insist on running (and often ruining) their son's, daughter's or grandchildren's lives. Fortunately this is NOT one of those stories. When I reflect on the life of my mother-in-law Mag, it's with deep affection and gratitude.


Joshua, Mag and Adam at Lake Michigan's beach. 1988...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Easter Eggs...

I met Betty in 2004. A petite, soft-spoken 85 year old who was very active. She had a lovely condo, drove all over, ate out with friends, and helped care for her husband. Hubby was in an assisted living facility. She was visiting him every time I stopped. With memory issues, he had ceased to join our conversations on most days. His input consisted of, "what should we do now Betty?" She was most patient answering him a dozen times during my visit. After she left him, she went to a nursing home to see her grade school friend who had fallen off a swing 75 years before and was paralyzed. Every day.


Such exquisite Easter eggs. Made simply...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I'm Walking...

I day dream when I walk. I've got my Bose headphones perched on my head. (Thanks Rosemary). Making me look like Mickey Mouse. Listening to my funky, hip-hop music to keep my slow feet and slower following butt moving. I'm usually singing along. Smiling, glancing at the sky, lake, ground, or oncoming traffic. Making up my own lyrics along the way. Cause I don't have a clue what P!nk, Maroon 5, Pitbull, Flo-rida, Ke$ha, or Enrique are really saying most of the time. Ah, the joys of being severely hearing impaired. If someone is nearby, I hope my made up lyrics give them a laugh.


Headphones, lip balm, iPod, key. Umm yup it's a knife and some mace go walking with me...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Name Game...

There are special people in my life who are in it for the long haul. Others, through no fault of their own, flit in and out. I read a quote stating people in your life are a blessing or a lesson. Since I've been married (to the same guy) for 45 years, I would venture that John is "in it" for the duration. Except for some teenage angst years, Shannon, Joshua and Adam have always been in my corner. These four have always had my back and are true blessings.


Josh, Adam and Shannon, 1984. BTA (before teenage angst)....

Sunday, March 8, 2015


You ever have one of those epiphany moments? I experienced one this morning. The light bulb was so bright, I'm still wearing my shades. A giant piece of the "why is she so stinking weird?" puzzle has been solved. I'm here to share the good news. You remember the TV series Bonanza? It debuted in 1959 and ran until 1973. Guess when I saw my first episode? Late fall of 1969. After I got married. Ben Cartwright's oldest son Adam had already left the show! That's right. I missed the first 10 years (that's a decade) of Bonanza--people. Why you ask? Because I was in church.


This was the addition where we sat after RCYF...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I'm so glad I grew up with the freedom of living in a small town. During the '50's and '60's I didn't have the run of the town, but close to it. My town was safe. I was safe. I lost some of those freedoms after Larry died. Mom was a little over-protective. But there were still many things I could do. I guess we were free-range kids back then. There was no cell phone app to keep track of our every move 24/7. We played outside as long as it was light out and weather permitted. Folks were pretty lenient too about the weather part, considering it was northwest Iowa. We headed home when the whistle blew.

Me strolling Cindy Schmidt, 1957...