Sunday, January 31, 2016

Impacting Movies...

The recent hype surrounding the saga of the Star Wars franchise has me reminiscing about my lifelong fascination with the movies. Something that started when I was a little kid. I can loosely compare it to eating the forbidden fruit in the garden. Because I was not allowed to go to the movies, hence, they have been irresistible to me ever since.


Holy spit curls! This is what happened after viewing my first horror movie, 1960...

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Trinkets & Treasures...

I complained quite a bit by the time we finally moved east last fall. Even before that. Our lives were thrust in turmoil from the moment we put the house on the market in mid-2012. It was like our house wasn't ours anymore, but it was. Uneasy about letting any junk lie around, beds unmade, or plan a big day of canning. We always had to be ready for a showing. It just didn't feel like our home anymore. Less like our house after we rented a storage unit and packed a good third of our belongings away for what we thought would be 90 days. Try 1,200 days. Ugh. Why it took over 3 years to sell a nifty lake home still puzzles me.


Larry, Spitzy and me. Backyard on 15th St, 1956...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

His Left Foot...

I can hear it now. You're all going to blame me. It wasn't my fault, I swear. Looking back though, I might have been a bit hasty with my last post, called The Freshman. But hey, I was excited about the terrific December he and his team had just finished. Ok, so I got caught up in the moment. But as the rest of the story unfolds, I'm sure you'll find me completely blameless.


Landon, number 3, going in for a layup...

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Freshman...

Busy times loom on the horizon. Our 15 year old grandson, Landon (Drew to the rest of the world) had just finished freshman football season. There was a bit of a dead zone, maybe 2 weeks, tops. Nothing demanding his time (besides schoolwork and girls) in the world of sports for the moment. But basketball tryouts were coming up. A grueling week of 2-a-days. This is his favorite and best sport since he was born.


Landon, 5, shooting during halftime, 2005...