Monday, May 29, 2017

39 Cents...

I realize not every newlywed couple started out like John and I almost 50 years ago. Some young couples might have been handed the keys to a business, deed to a farm or home. I don't know if that properly prepares you for the rest of your life. Hubs and I had to figure our life out the old-fashioned way. The hard way. By ourselves and making a few mistakes along the way. As John's dad was famous for quoting, "you made your bed, now lie in it."

John working at Channel 4 in Sioux City, 1969...

Sunday, May 21, 2017

All Aboard the Gravy Train...

It might be in the water, or even in the air. Maybe random, (doubtful) inherited or a complex part of our own unique DNA. Perhaps I'm putting way too much thought in this, yet somehow equate it with my being born and raised in Iowa. The greatest land with the richest black dirt, countless miles of corn and soybean crops. Hundreds of thousands of hogs making the world a better place so we can enjoy bacon with every meal. The rest of the fields not planted to feed the hungry masses are infused with huge herds of cattle, producing the worlds best beef-bar none. I'm all about the cows.

A housing project on the outskirts of Le Mars, Iowa. Awesome black dirt...

May 5, 1990...

Twenty-seven years ago. Hubs and I were on the cusp of something huge! Two biggies, actually. We were a few months away from becoming first time grandparents. Yikes, we were young. And we'd been gearing up mentally and emotionally for a difficult moment for months. No years, really. Why May 5? Well, I didn't know it would be exactly the 5th, but had decided Tareyton's had ruled this chick's life long enough. Over half of my life at that point, about 25 years. I'm still convinced I was born to be a smoker.

Exquisite Ariana in 1992...

Monday, May 8, 2017

High-Tops & Onesies...

I never realized the numerous changes that's occured in child rearing until I started working at the daycare over a year ago. Mind you, I've not given birth in closer to 4 decades than I'd like to admit. But still. Some things you know will just NEVER change. Until they're seen as hopelessly outdated, antiquated and obsolete.

Josh with some spiffy white high tops, 1976...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Calendar of Memories...

Hubs handed me a purse-sized calendar he got in the mail a few days ago. "You want this or I'm pitching it?" Although I have calendars on my iPhone and iPad, there's something about glancing at a whole month's worth of days at one time. On real paper. Like books and magazines, the way God intended. Yes, I'm hopelessly out of touch. Guess I prefer it that way. A FB friend recently put up a thorny post about waiting behind someone in line who was using a debit card. One of the comments was, "I was just behind someone WHO WROTE A CHECK! Are we back in the stone age?" Yup, I still write checks.

Antiquated and obsolete and still used by me...